Dune is a 1965 science-fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, originally published as two separate serials in Analog magazine. It tied with Roger Zelazny's This Immortal for the Hugo Award in 1966, and it won the inaugural Nebula Award for Best Novel. It is the first installment of the Dune saga; in 2003, it was cited as the world's best-selling science fiction novel.Dune is set in the distant future amidst a feudal interstellar society in which various noble houses control planetary fiefs. It tells the story of young Paul Atreides, whose family accepts the stewardship of the planet Arrakis. While the planet is an inhospitable and sparsely populated desert wasteland, it is the only source of melange, or "the spice," a drug that extends life and enhances mental abilities. Melange is also necessary for space navigation, which requires a kind of multidimensional awareness and foresight that only the drug …
Dune is a 1965 science-fiction novel by American author Frank Herbert, originally published as two separate serials in Analog magazine. It tied with Roger Zelazny's This Immortal for the Hugo Award in 1966, and it won the inaugural Nebula Award for Best Novel. It is the first installment of the Dune saga; in 2003, it was cited as the world's best-selling science fiction novel.Dune is set in the distant future amidst a feudal interstellar society in which various noble houses control planetary fiefs. It tells the story of young Paul Atreides, whose family accepts the stewardship of the planet Arrakis. While the planet is an inhospitable and sparsely populated desert wasteland, it is the only source of melange, or "the spice," a drug that extends life and enhances mental abilities. Melange is also necessary for space navigation, which requires a kind of multidimensional awareness and foresight that only the drug provides. As melange can only be produced on Arrakis, control of the planet is thus a coveted and dangerous undertaking. The story explores the multi-layered interactions of politics, religion, ecology, technology, and human emotion, as the factions of the empire confront each other in a struggle for the control of Arrakis and its spice.Herbert wrote five sequels: Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, and Chapterhouse: Dune.
Adaptations of the novel have been notoriously difficult and complicated. In the 1970s, cult filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky attempted to make a film based on the novel. After spending almost three years in development, the project was cancelled due to a constantly growing budget. In 1984, a film adaptation, directed by David Lynch, was released to negative reaction. A third film adaptation directed by Denis Villeneuve is scheduled to be released on October 1, 2021. The book was also adapted into the 2000 Sci-Fi Channel miniseries Frank Herbert's Dune and its 2003 sequel Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (which combines the events of Dune Messiah and Children of Dune), a series of computer games, a board game, songs, and a series of follow-ups, including prequels and sequels, that were co-written by Kevin J. Anderson and the author's son, Brian Herbert, starting in 1999.Since 2009, the names of planets from the Dune novels have been adopted for the real-life nomenclature of plains and other features on Saturn's moon Titan.
The book is so packed of action, emotion, mysticism and lots of character development. Loved it. Coming from reading most of the Foundation series, I wasn’t sure if I me being a fanboy, Iwas going to like it another big Sci-Fi saga but I did. Can’t wait to read the next books!
Lo he disfrutado mucho, en seguida te mete en un universo increíble y verosímil a la vez. La trama en sí, es muy mesiánica/profética, te tiene que gustar ese tipo de novelas, por lo demás muy disfrutable, aunque el final un tanto precipitado, te dan ganas de más. No sé qué tal serán los siguientes
Published first in 1965(!) Frank Herbert's masterpiece is still one of the best Science Fiction novels ever written. And unlike other works of its era it has aged really well, Dune is still as timeless and relevant today as when it was first published more than 50 years ago.
The term "universe" has been strained pretty hard by using it for loose collections of superhero movies based on DC or Marvel characters, but Herbert really creates a whole universe in one book, or at least a considerable part of a galaxy, making Dune a must read for every Science Fiction fan.
It's also the first part of a series, but later additions by Frank Herbert are not as compelling to me as the original work (especially after part 4, "God Emperor of Dune") and the even later prequels and sequels written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, while not …
Published first in 1965(!) Frank Herbert's masterpiece is still one of the best Science Fiction novels ever written. And unlike other works of its era it has aged really well, Dune is still as timeless and relevant today as when it was first published more than 50 years ago.
The term "universe" has been strained pretty hard by using it for loose collections of superhero movies based on DC or Marvel characters, but Herbert really creates a whole universe in one book, or at least a considerable part of a galaxy, making Dune a must read for every Science Fiction fan.
It's also the first part of a series, but later additions by Frank Herbert are not as compelling to me as the original work (especially after part 4, "God Emperor of Dune") and the even later prequels and sequels written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, while not bad as "popular fiction" in their own right, just don't play in the same league.
The first roughly two chapters were quite difficult to get into. Many terms I didn't understand, and I naturally didn't have a grasp of the political landscape, which would've been quite important to understand at the start. However, this feeling soon went away, as the situation became clearer.
I didn't like the story arc at all. The buildup was huge and monumental, but the resolution was frustratingly lame. Maybe this is only because this book is the first of a series, but still not satisfying.
What I really liked, was the world building. Instead of focusing on a technology-dominated future, Herbert forbid all AI-related machinery in his novel and instead focused on enhanced capabilities of humans. A concept that I'd say really worked out.
The ecosystem of Arrakis is quite interesting too, as is the way of living of its inhabitants. And glimpses the reader gets into the politics, economy, …
The first roughly two chapters were quite difficult to get into. Many terms I didn't understand, and I naturally didn't have a grasp of the political landscape, which would've been quite important to understand at the start. However, this feeling soon went away, as the situation became clearer.
I didn't like the story arc at all. The buildup was huge and monumental, but the resolution was frustratingly lame. Maybe this is only because this book is the first of a series, but still not satisfying.
What I really liked, was the world building. Instead of focusing on a technology-dominated future, Herbert forbid all AI-related machinery in his novel and instead focused on enhanced capabilities of humans. A concept that I'd say really worked out.
The ecosystem of Arrakis is quite interesting too, as is the way of living of its inhabitants. And glimpses the reader gets into the politics, economy, and religion are also fascinating.
Već neko vrijeme sam razmišljala da se uhvatim u koštac sa nekom knjigom naučne fantastike, jer sam ih uvjek zaobilazila. Čitanje ove knjige je za mene predstavljalo lični izazov i jako mi je drago što sam istrajala i pročitala je do kraja. Sa najavom za izlazak nove filmske adaptacije, ja kao i dosta ljudi se upoznajemo sa dijelom za koje se smatra jednim od pionira moderne naučne fantastike. Pri daljem interesovanju saznajem i za druge adaptacije, kao na primer za onu neslavnu Dejvida Lynch-a i Alehandra Hodorovskog i to me još više tjera da se upustim u ovaj svijet, te naknadno odgledam njihove interpretacije ove knjige. Kao neko ko nije nikada prije čitao ovaj žanr, trebalo mi je dosta vremena da uđem u čitav svijet u koji autor naglo gura čitaoca. Univerzum je sastavljen od velikog broja koncepata i termina inspirisanim jezicima našeg srednjeg istoka, jer se veliki dio radnje …
Već neko vrijeme sam razmišljala da se uhvatim u koštac sa nekom knjigom naučne fantastike, jer sam ih uvjek zaobilazila. Čitanje ove knjige je za mene predstavljalo lični izazov i jako mi je drago što sam istrajala i pročitala je do kraja. Sa najavom za izlazak nove filmske adaptacije, ja kao i dosta ljudi se upoznajemo sa dijelom za koje se smatra jednim od pionira moderne naučne fantastike. Pri daljem interesovanju saznajem i za druge adaptacije, kao na primer za onu neslavnu Dejvida Lynch-a i Alehandra Hodorovskog i to me još više tjera da se upustim u ovaj svijet, te naknadno odgledam njihove interpretacije ove knjige. Kao neko ko nije nikada prije čitao ovaj žanr, trebalo mi je dosta vremena da uđem u čitav svijet u koji autor naglo gura čitaoca. Univerzum je sastavljen od velikog broja koncepata i termina inspirisanim jezicima našeg srednjeg istoka, jer se veliki dio radnje odvija na planeti-pustinji. Takođe, čitanje uspori i stalno prebacivanje na kraj knjige gdje se nalazi mali riječnik pojmova, ali mogu da vidim kako to može nekome predstavljati i poseban gušt, jer je karakteristično za ovu vrstu literature (meni je to bio otežavajući faktor jer sam čitala u pdf-u). Voljela bih da sam se potrudila doći do hardcopy verzije. Čitala sam e-book verziju na hrvatskom jeziku što mi je dodatno otežalo čitanje jer sam jednostavno više navikla na srpske prevode. Svakako mi se knjiga sviđela, drago mi je da sam baš nju izabrala za probijanje "sci-fi leda", originalna je i jako je interesntno bilo ući u jedan novi svijet.