User Profile

Eric Wagoner πŸ“š

Joined 1Β year, 4Β months ago

Eclectic and (sometimes aspirationally) avid reader. Currently on a sci-fi kick. Tolkien is my first literary love.

I'm a software developer and whimsical costume maker in Athens, GA. he/him

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2024 Reading Goal

8% complete! Eric Wagoner πŸ“š has read 1 of 12 books.

Dan Moren: Nova Incident (2022, Watkins Media Limited) 5 stars

The best of the bunch

5 stars

If there’s better Space Cloak and Dagger, I haven’t found it. has assembled his cast of compelling characters (and some new ones) and brought them back to the home world for what could have been a been a grande finale were it not for a cliffhanging ending that tied everything up and still kicks off what is hopefully more story to come.

This book is the best of an already stellar bunch, weaving together old fashioned dead drop spy craft with outer space adventure. I’m excited to see what the future brings, even as I’m sad to have run out of story to read now.

Dan Moren: Homecoming (EBook, 2022, Dan Moren) 5 stars

Visiting your family can be stressful. For Commander Natalie Taylor of the Commonwealth Navy, it’s …

I love these interstitial short stories, taking place between the much larger novels in the Galactic Cold War novels. They give a quieter chance to spend time with a character, learning more about them and seeing how they think and act outside their team. They also serve to give us fuller glimpses of places only mentioned in the novels. And, purchasing them felt like I was tipping Dan directly, beyond what he made from his publisher for the novels. He deserves that for a job well done.

Dan Moren: Aleph Extraction (2020, Watkins Media Limited) 5 stars

The fastest I've read a book this size in years!

5 stars

Competing teams of spies on a luxury interstellar cruise ship owned by a mob boss, all trying to possess what might be the first discovered alien artifact. Action, intrigue, believable science fiction elements, and characters I care about. I'm already sad I have only one more book to read in this series!