The Last Colony

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John Scalzi: The Last Colony (2007, Tor Books)

Hardcover, 320 pages

English language

Published April 17, 2007 by Tor Books.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

The Last Colony is a science fiction novel by American writer John Scalzi, the third set in his Old Man's War universe. It was nominated for a 2008 Hugo Award in the Best Novel category.

5 editions

Not as great as the two preceeding books, but still excellent

4 stars

Honestly right about here and book 4 was when the series started to stall a bit for me. It never stalled so bad I didn't want to keep reading, but right after this the books sort of reinvent themselves and go a different direction with people who had been side characters, or only appeared in shorts. Still, it's a great introduction to the conflict that gets solved in the conclusion of the series.


4 stars

Doctena treti cast, ktera to pekne uzavira. Pozdeji dopsany dily prozatim vynechavam.

Kazdej z dilu byl typove/stylem uplne jinej, v kazdym pripade trojka bez predchozich dvou nedava moc smysl, naopak to vse hezky uzavira (toz uz sem psal, ze :-P)

Jako ve vsech dilech neni vse jak se zda, spousta zamlcenych informaci a vlada manipulujici svyma oveckama, ochotna klidne obetovat celou jednu planetu, proc ne. Jako fajn, konec mne uprimne dojal, az sem musel vytahnout kapesnicek. V poho cteni za 70%.


  • Science Fiction And Fantasy
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Science Fiction
  • Science Fiction
  • Science Fiction - General
  • Fiction / Science Fiction / General
  • Life on other planets
  • Space colonies
  • Space warfare