Mr Mercedes

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Stephen King: Mr Mercedes (French language, 2016)

French language

Published March 11, 2016

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4 stars (1 review)

Mr. Mercedes is a novel by American writer Stephen King. He calls it his first hard-boiled detective book. It was published on June 3, 2014. It is the first volume in a trilogy, followed in 2015 by Finders Keepers, the first draft of which was finished around the time Mr. Mercedes was published, and End of Watch in 2016. The novel won the 2015 Edgar Award for Best Novel from the Mystery Writers of America and Goodreads Choice Awards for 2014 in the "Mystery and Thriller" category.

8 editions

Egia esan, uste baino gehiago gustatu zait

4 stars

Aspalditik nuen liburu hau armairuan irakurri gabe, eta Stephen Kingen hurrengo liburua liburu honetako pertsonaietako bati buruzkoa dela ikusi nuenean, irakurtzen hasi nintzen. Ez da SKren formatua, baina, egia esan, thriller gisa oso ondo funtzionatzen du. Formatu horretan eroso sentitzen diren beste idazle batzuk bezain ondo. SKren idazkera nabaritzen da, batez ere kontatzeko moduan eta pertsonaien sakontasunean (nire ustez, idazle gisa dituen indarguneetako bi). Gustatzen zaizkidan SKren liburu guztietan esaten dudan bezala: liburu honen amaiera ez da txarra. 🤣

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